1. What data matches (for example, financial institution, state lottery) and enforcement remedies are available through Automated Administrative Enforcement in Interstate Cases (AEI) in your state? (See AT-08-06: Implementing Section 466(a)(14) of the Social Security Act, High-Volume, Automated Administrative Enforcement in Interstate Cases.) |
Financial Institution Data Match, Unemployment Benefit Withholding and Property liens. |
2. What criteria must be met, and in addition to Transmittal #3, what documentation does your state require to proceed with an AEI request? |
In addition to the Transmittal #3, a copy of the Court order and an arrearage affidavit is required. Additional documentation may be required depending on the type of AEI request. |
3. What are your state's criteria for reporting a noncustodial parent's child support information to credit bureaus? |
KRS 205.768.
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4. To which credit bureaus does your state report a noncustodial parent's child support information? |
5. Is the method for credit bureau reporting judicial, administrative, or both? |
6. Can a noncustodial parent who no longer has a past-due account have the report removed from the credit bureau? If so, what must the noncustodial parent do?" |
7. When your state is the responding state, does it submit past-due cases to OCSE for federal administrative offset? If yes, what is the minimum required past-due amount? |
No. |
8. When your state is the initiating state, does it submit past-due cases to OCSE for federal administrative offset? If yes, what is the minimum required past-due amount? |
Yes. The unassigned arrearage balance must be at least 1.5 times the current monthly obligation and $500. The assigned arrearage balance must be at least 1.5 times the current monthly obligation and $150.00. |
9. When your state is the responding state, does it submit past-due cases to OCSE for insurance match? If yes, what is the minimum required past-due amount? |
Yes. $500.00. |
10. When your state is the initiating state, does it submit past-due cases to OCSE for insurance match? If yes, what is the minimum required past-due amount? |
Yes, but our agency will not initiate action to seize the insurance settlement on cases where KY is the initiating state. $500.00. |
11. When your state is the responding state, does it submit past-due cases to OCSE for MSFIDM? If yes, what is the minimum required past-due amount? |
No. |
12. When your state is the initiating state, does it submit past-due cases to OCSE for MSFIDM? If yes, what is the minimum past-due amount? |
No. |
13. When your state is the responding state, does it submit past-due cases to OCSE for passport denial? |
No. |
14. Are the financial institution attachment procedures in your state judicial, administrative, or both? |
Administrative. |
15. Are there specific account types exempt from the administrative financial institution attachment process in your state? If yes, which account types are exempt? |
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16. Is the financial institution attachment process in your state centralized and/or automated? |
Both. |
17. What are the criteria to attach an account in a financial institution in your state? |
The noncustodial parent must owe past-due support equal to or greater than one (1) month's obligation. |
18. Does your state's law require financial institutions doing business in your state to accept enforcement actions directly from other states? If yes, provide the statutory citation. Please explain. |
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19. If there are no statutory criteria required to attach an account, describe the process for requesting a financial institution attachment from another child support agency (for example, a Transmittal #3) and list additional documentation required. |
The child support agency in the other state must send a limited service request to Kentucky Central Registry seeking assistance with levying the bank account. The request must include a Transmittal #1, Transmittal #3, Child Support Agency Confidential Information Form, copy of the court order, arrearage affidavit and bank account information.
20. Does your state's income withholding definition include amounts in financial institutions? |
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21. Does your state require sending a notice of intent to the noncustodial parent when attaching an account in a financial institution? Who notifies the noncustodial parent - the state, the financial institution, or both? |
Yes. Kentucky CSE notifies the noncustodial parent
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22. How long does the financial institution have to hold funds before sending the noncustodial parent's assets to your child support agency? |
35 calendar days.
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23. Does your state law or policy require the financial institution and/or state to hold the attached assets during the challenge or appeal time frame? If yes, provide the statutory citation and time frames. |
Yes. If the noncustodial parent requests an administrative hearing, per KRS 405.490(6), Kentucky CSE must hold the asset pending the outcome of the hearing.
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24. What amount or percentage of the noncustodial parent's financial assets are eligible for attachment? Is this different for joint accounts? Please explain. |
100% for single and joint accounts.
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25. What are the criteria for a noncustodial parent and/or joint account holder to contest a financial institution attachment? |
The noncustodial parent has 20 days from the date they receive the notice to contest the action.
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26. Does your state have procedures to liquidate non-liquid assets (for example, stocks, bonds, etc.)? If yes, provide the statutory citation and the procedures to follow. |
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27. What are your state's criteria for driver's license revocation/suspension for nonpayment of support? |
The noncustodial parent must owe a child support arrearage equal to or greater than six months of nonpayment.
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28. What are your state's criteria for driver's license restoration/reinstatement, including hardship exemptions? |
The noncustodial parent must the arrearage in full, make payments on the child support arrearage in accordance with a payment agreement, court order or administrative order, comply with a child support related subpoena or warrant, or when a suspension is reversed through the administrative appeal process. |
29. Does your state allow temporary or conditional driver's licenses? If yes, what are the criteria? |
No. |
30. What are your state's criteria for professional license revocation/suspension for nonpayment of support? Specify the professional license types. |
Same criteria as driver's license suspension. Kentucky CSE works with various state boards and licensing agencies to suspend professional licenses such as nursing, real estate, barber, hairdresser, liquor, pharmacist, etc. |
31. What are your state's criteria for professional license restoration/reinstatement, including hardship exemptions? |
Same criteria as driver's license reinstatement. |
32. Does your state allow temporary or conditional professional licenses? If yes, what are the criteria? |
No. |
33. What are your state's criteria for recreational license revocation/suspension for nonpayment of support? Specify the recreational license types. |
Same criteria as driver's license suspension. Hunting and Fishing Licenses. |
34. What are your state's criteria for recreational license restoration/reinstatement, including hardship exemptions? |
Same as driver's license reinstatement |
35. Does your state allow temporary or conditional recreational licenses? If yes, what are the criteria? |
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36. What are the criteria for initiating/filing a lien in your state? |
The noncustodial parent must owe an arrearage equal to support payable for one month.
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37. Is the lien process in your state primarily judicial, administrative, or both? Please describe. |
Administrative. |
38. Does your state enforce property seizure and sale? If so, is this process primarily judicial, administrative, or both? Please describe. |
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39. Does your state have a state income tax refund offset as an enforcement remedy? If yes, describe whether the process for this remedy is primarily judicial, administrative, or a combination. |
Administrative. |
40. Does your state intercept lottery or other types of gaming/gambling winnings in your state? If so, what kind of winnings are included? |
Yes. Lottery winnings. |
40.1. If yes, is this enforcement judicial, administrative, or both? |
Administrative. |
41. What other administrative enforcement procedures are available in your state that are not otherwise described in the IRG? |
None. |
42. What other judicial enforcement procedures are available in your state that are not otherwise described in the IRG? |
Contempt and criminal nonsupport. |